Welcome to BnuuyOTD: Information Center!
Posts bnuuys (almost) every day!
Usual posting hours: 4:00pm - 11:00pm || MST
[Note: Posting hours is not always accurate, may or may not post them earlier or later, depending.]
Also, if you do not want to receive non-related daily bnuuy posts, please consider muting the key word: "not bun"
Bnuuy Requirements!
If 3 traits are met, then it is indeed a bnuuy!
Long Ears
Cottonball tail
Extremely tiny
Strong thumpers (Legs)
Association with Easter or Spring
Hops or Jumps a lot
Small snout
Can squeak
Extremely playful
Main Colors as: Brown, Light Brown, White, Gray and Black
Restrictions for posts!
Going against LGBTQ+.
(This account is a safe-place for LGBTQ+, any posts that are otherwise will not be allowed.)
Minors portrayed for sexual intent.
(Pedophiles, please leave me alone.)
Racism or discriminatory content.
(I do not support racists and I will not be showing hatred towards certain groups.)
Showing hatred intent for bunnies.
(Pretty simple. This account is made for bunnies, so why should I post these?)
NSFW content.
(This account is not made for horny people.)
Gore or disturbing content.
(As such, this account is intentionally for the wholesomeness of bunnies. Violence is not the answer!)
How to send a request?
Make sure that you have read the Requirements and Restrictions section before you submit a request!
Duplicate requests will not be posted as well, please look at the list to see which ones have been posted!
Before you forget, please include:
= Name of the character.
= Source they come from. (Video game, TV show, etc.)
= Traits that they meet in the requirements list.
= Provide an image of the character. (If possible)
Also, please remember to state if you want to be mentioned by your twitter handle or stay anonymous when requesting a submission!
Twitter DM's!
A simple way of getting your requests through, is with the account itself!